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IVI I K L at the Bounty Lodge Tahiti
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MIKL live at Tahiti
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MIKL came to Tahiti for 2 Zouk concerts
It is with great pleasure that the Bounty Lodge team welcomed the Reunionese singer artist MIKL and Tito his manager who came to Tahiti to thrill the Polynesian music scene, with 2 Zouk concerts organized by Teariki and his company Pacific M Event.
MIKL in duet with Nohorai in acoustics at the Bounty Lodge shooting their music video before their concerts in Tahiti.
Why the music, Mikl?
I have always been singing! When I was little, my parents signed me up for radio hooks, I loved it. I took my first guitar lessons at the age of 8, at 10, I composed my first texts. At school, I enrolled in choirs. In fact, since I liked the stage, I managed to be there whenever I had the chance. In 2012, my brother, who found my lyrics not too bad, put me in touch with Mirage Prod. At the time, they were working on a compilation with artists who wanted to get started. I recorded “My Brother”. It all started from there. I was 13 years old.
MIKL, Tito and our princesses
Sunset by MIKL at the Bounty Lodge – 06/08/21