Get a tattoo at the Bounty Lodge

Treat yourself to the most beautiful souvenir of Polynesia

Take advantage of your stay at the Bounty Lodge to get a tattoo, in partnership with Eric Gresset, professional tattoo artist, one of the greatest Polynesian tattoo artist, internationally recognized with more than 35 years of practice around the world.

Plan the time it takes to get a tattoo

Give us your basic idea to get an estimate of how long it will take for your tattoo to take shape. Email us your tattoo project to get your estimate.

Knowing that the larger the piece, the longer it will take to take shape on your body, for example for a complete back depending on the amount of detail, it takes 10 – 12 hours of work divided into 2 sessions of 5 hours if you arrive hold on for 5 hours straight. Sometimes you also have to take the time to heal before making the necessary touch-ups, so that your tattoo is perfect!

Tatau, the Polynesian tattoo

More than a fashion or a style, it is a state of mind, the Polynesian tattoo represents the character and history of the tattooed person, it tells your story, your joys and your sorrows.

During your first contacts with Eric, everything will be directed towards you and this story, then the time will come to inscribe it in you.

Your tattoo sessions take place in a dedicated salon with sanitized, air-conditioned devices that meet health standards for your greatest comfort. At the end of your tattoo session, you can relax by the pool at the Bounty Lodge, which is only 400m from the tattoo shop.

eric gresset tatoueur arue

Eric Gresset Polynesian Tattoo Artist

Originally from the Austral Islands (Rurutu), Éric has been practicing his passion as a tattoo artist for over 35 years. A specialist in peue (braiding) and Polynesian tattooing, his unique and totally personalized art allows him to respond to all requests and all styles. His listening and his mana (his power) allows him to understand and draw what your soul whispers.

More than a tattoo, dare to meet a charismatic, mystical man recognized in the profession.

The origins of the Maohi tattoo

It was at the end of the 18th century that the word Tatau was brought back to the West by the navigator James Cook on his return from his travels in Polynesia. The word and practice of tatau is common in many Polynesian cultures. It was in 1769 that the word tattoo made its entry into everyday Western language, and in 1858 that the word Tatau was officially “Frenchified” to become Tatou, just like the word Tabou coming from the Polynesian word Tabu, meaning forbidden.

The word Tatau in Polynesian means to strike, derived from the Tahitian word Ta-Atua, which is the assembly of the words Ta (design inscribed in the skin) and Atua (spirit).

The tattoo for the Polynesians was an outward sign of strength, power and wealth. Chiefs and warriors were most often tattooed all over their bodies.

Banished by the missionaries in conquest of the Oceanian islands at the end of the 18th century, the Polynesian tattoo has recently reappeared among Polynesians attached to valuing their origins and their culture.

A complete artist

Eric is not only a tattoo artist, he is an artist in the broad sense, sculpting on stone and wood, he paints and draws in his spare time where he can flourish and express himself freely.

By getting a tattoo in his shop, you will have the privilege of visiting his private art gallery.

You can see and buy some of his works on the
